Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Behind Closed Doors of A French Antique Fair

Have you wondered what you could find where the public cannot go?

Wanted to sneak into a professional antique fair in France?
At 8 am the French dealers start to unload their trucks as buyers gather.
The floor, empty at first...quickly becomes barely room to, mirrors, paintings are piled fast and furious. 
And buying is fast and furious....sold tags quickly tied on the best pieces.
The French dealers load everything back in their trucks at must wait!

Come along with me in June for my 4 week trip to France....
and never need to buy an airplane ticket, pack a suitcase, or sneak anywhere...

I will be sending photos daily to clients...What I see is what YOU see.
You will be able to see behind doors not opened to you before..
And buy at prices not available to you before.

Wish to become a client?
Contact me at and find that piece that has escaped you.